
Mmpi-2 scoring
Mmpi-2 scoring

(14 items).High: Depression, difficulty coping, inertia, regression into fantasy, pessimistic, and may have suicidal ideation. Sc4 Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 71 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). High: Feelings of unreality, difficulty in concentration, and fear of losing control of thoughts. Sc3 Lack of Ego Mastery, Cognitive 72 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). High: Depression, sado-masochistic tendencies and apathy. Sc2 Emotional Alienation 78 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). High: Feels misunderstood and alienated, feels others have it in for them or wish them harm, describes family as lacking in love and support, admits never having been in love, and avoids social relationships. Sc1 Social Alienation 76 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). High: breakdown of reality testing, feelings of unreality, insecurities, schizoidal trends, alienation, shy, anxiety, over-investment in fantasy, sexual preoccupation, non-conforming, immature and disorganized thinking. (Sc) Schizophrenia 79 - Hathaway & McKinley (1956). High: Resentful of standards, opinionated and rebellious. Pd2 Authority Conflict 81 - Harris & Lingoes (1955). High: Home is unpleasant, lacking in love and understanding. Pd1 Familial Discord 78 - Harris & Lingoes (1955).

mmpi-2 scoring mmpi-2 scoring

(22 items) High: Social imperturbability, family conflicts, difficulties with intimate relationships and impulsive. PdS Psychopathic Deviate-Subtle 72 - Weiner (1948). PdO Psychopathic Deviate-Obvious 74 - Weiner (1948).( 28 items) High: Feels misunderstood, poor concentration, feels rejected by family, acting out, may have used alcohol excessively, depression, and sexual conflicts. High: Poor impulse control, disidentification with societal standards, authority conflicts, marital and family conflicts, inconsiderate, narcissistic, poor judgment, extroverted, self-confident, hostile, parasitic and externalizes blame.

mmpi-2 scoring

(Pd) Psychopathic Deviate 84 - Hathaway & McKinley (1944). Will only post Scales and subscales with those high scores

Mmpi-2 scoring